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From Chairman's Desk

"Education is a means of achieving a world of peace, justice, freedom, and equality for all. Thus, education is extremely necessary for all. No good life is possible without education. It indorses the intelligence of human beings, develops his skill, and enables him to be industrious."

From Principal's Desk

To spread education in the remote rural area former IPS Dr Nazrul Islam acted as the pioneer. MODEL SCHOOL (ENGLISH MEDIUM) was established in 2013 Under Basantapur Education Society, keeping in view in meeting the needs and demands of the knowledge seekers of the communities of Basantapur area and the district of Murshidabad in particular and the rest of West Bengal and India as a whole in general. MODEL SCHOOL (ENGLISH MEDIUM) which is the Brain Child of the Son of the Soil, Litterateur and Social Worker Dr Nazrul Islam, B Sc, M A, M B A, Ph D, D Litt and Former I P S. His dynamic leadership and quality of thoughts and aspirations acted behind the screen of the Foundation of this Institute. With a group of enthusiastic well-wishers and social workers of this locality and elsewhere. Dr Nazrul Islam founded this school in 2013 accordingly in fulfilling the great Vision and Mission in this regard. It can also be said that the MODEL SCHOOL (ENGLISH MEDIUM) is the outcome of Dr. Islam’s childhood experiences and hardships in education and dreams of quality of education which drove him out from this remote and educationally backward areas to the great Kolkata Urban Metropolis in search of higher and proper education.